Monday 20 July 2015

How to survive in prison pdf ebooks - surviving life in jail tips pdf book downloads!

Want some how to survive in prison advice? First of all as a former inmate I will tell that you surviving in jail tips and methods to make life in prison easier is a good suggestion before you look at doing time. If you are a rookie and brand new to the jail system you have a whole new world you are looking at stepping into.

To those of you that know what street life is like being able to know how to survive in prison and knowing jail survival tips will come easier to you then those that read this with no street or hard life experiences. Below are a list of free books you can download that give you some tips and notes on how to survive in jail and get through serving your sentence with knowledge about surviving prison tips and information. 

Download 2 free books on how to serve a prison sentence with as little BS as possible:

13 Secrets On To Survive Inside Prison And Or Jail! (Download right now it is free!)

10 Jail Survival Tips On Doing Time Without Being Raped, Stabbed Or Victimized! (Download now it is free!)